Colorist Meetup - Dedicated to Professional Colorists

Nat Jencks Postworks New York

Dado Valentic Season 1 Episode 4

Today's guest has earned himself a reputation as an innovator who knows how to make a RED camera look good. This could have been because of the fact that he was responsible for the picture post of one of the world's first movies shot on RED ONE - Che by Stephen Soderbergh. Since then he has graded many award-winning movies, amongst whom we can find the series called Russian Doll that won EMI for cinematography. Recently I noticed incredibly interesting looks of a movie called No Sudden Move by Stephen Soderbergh and then I have found out that it was shot on RED and that the same person in question graded it. I could not resist but get in touch and schedule a recording of this podcast just before Xmas to get to know Nat better and be up close and personal. Ladies and Gentlemen, today I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Nat Jenks from Post Works in New York.